Monday, February 25, 2019

Oliver, Noah and Minhaj walk into a bar..

     Political comedians. Are they funny? Yes. Are they a good source of information around the world? Also yes. Are they the only source you should use to gain an intellectual opinion about worldly news? Absolutely not.

     People like John Oliver, Trevor Noah, and Hasan Minhaj are easily the most digestible way for me to intake political news along with the 4.6 million people that tune in to every episode of John Oliver. If you don't know who John Oliver is, he is a political comedian who hosts a show called "Last Week Tonight" on HBO. With topics ranging from Authoritarianism to family separation or even to psychics John Oliver's 'Last Week Tonight' is a good source for a little bit of information about everything while also poking fun at stereotypes and making other jokes throughout the show.

     Trevor Noah is the host of "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central previously hosted by Jon Stewart. Given that The Daily Show is on Comedy Central you would anticipate this show would be funnier than John Olivers Last Week Tonight, but the segments leave much more room for fluff than actual information. With that being said there is still information to be learned from Trevor Noah and many more follow-ups on previous segments if there is a topic you want consistent updates on.

     If you are too busy to be bothered to look for either of these shows on HBO, Comedy Central orYoutube I would highly recommend Hasan Minhaj's Patriot Act on Netflix. Coming from an Indian Muslim family Minhaj brings a new perspective to political comedy. Hasan has the ability to speak about affirmative action programs, Amazon, and even censorship in China while still putting a fun twist on his segments.

     All in all political comedians, in general, make political news far more interesting and although they shouldn't be used as the most valid source of information they sure are entertaining.

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